Bass Electronics, Inc. having been around for over 60 years has seen many technological innovations. Some of which were brought into being through our own efforts, others adopted after considerable contemplations and modifications. Internet protocol (IP) cameras fall into the latter category.

The effectiveness of the IP camera lies in its ability to communicate natively with a computer network. With computers and software offering a dizzying array of features, the IP camera has become the darling of the security world. Cheaper and cheaper Chinese cameras have flooded the market to the point where the home user can now afford a surveillance system that would have, at one time, been affordable only by large corporations. This reduction in cost and increase in software features would at first seem like a dream come true. However, all that glitters is not gold.

With software features come vulnerabilities to hacking. In 2019 the United States Federal Government responded to a security threat found in Chinese made telecommunications products by adding Section 889 to The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This section prohibited the Federal Government from purchasing or entering into business with an entity that uses Chinese made telecommunications and/or video surveillance products. The banned producers include:

  • Huawei Technologies Company
    ● ZTE Corporation
    ● Hytera Communications Corporation
    ● Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company
    Dahua Technology

Suddenly, the affordable video surveillance system was shattered into a million points of vulnerability. Companies scrambled to learn if their low-cost surveillance systems were part of the NDAA’s list of bad operators.  Bass Electronics’ customers avoided this security risk because Bass solutions use American made cameras. -American made in Baton Rouge, LA.  Ask us about our NDAA compliant IP solutions.